Noshene E Ranjbar, MD

The Center for Mind-Body Medicine
The Center for Mind-Body Medicine (CMBM) is the world’s largest, most effective program for healing population-wide psychological trauma. The CMBM model trains local service providers and community leaders to teach simple stress-relief and resilience-building skills in the context of small, supportive groups. When chronic or overwhelming, stress disrupts every physiological function and contributes in significant ways to every major psychological and physical disorder (including heart disease, immune disorders and pain syndromes, as well as depression, post traumatic stress disorder, alcoholism and drug addiction).
Dr. Ranjbar's Mind-Body Topics
The Center for Mind-Body Medicine creates communities of hope and healing. We have the world’s largest, most effective evidence-based program for healing population-wide psychological trauma and stress. We bring together a variety of techniques drawn from the world’s healing traditions as well as modern medicine to help whole populations learn to heal themselves.